Submitting Your Film

Whether you are old fashion or modern, you have the option of downloading the forms and mailing them, or completing them online HERE.

Beginning April 2014, all Producers will have the option of mailing their Film Submissions directly to AFFLV by mailing a DVD-R Hard Copy or by putting their Film Submission on a USB Flash Drive (It is the Producer’s Responsibility to make sure that the chosen submission format works. AFFLV will contact any Producers whose content cannot be accessed, only once, via email. It is then up to that Producer to make sure AFFLV has a working/viewable copy of their Film Submission) or Producers can create a You Tube Account and upload their film submission to their You Tube Channel. If you choose the second option it is highly recommended creating the channel ASAP. (Make your upload “private” or more preferably “unlisted” so that only those who you send the link to may access it) The only people who will be have access to the link is AFFLV’s Reviewers.

All Films, regardless of Submission Format must be accompanied by the Submission Fee. If a Producer chooses the You Tube Option they are first required to send in the Film Submission Contract/Form accompanied by the Submission Fee. Once AFFLV confirms receipt of both articles, the Film’s Producer will receive a Confirmation Email at which time they will reply with their Film Submission Link. There is no limit on how many Film Submissions a Producer may enter. However, every submission must be accompanied by its own Contract and Submission Fee, separately. All submissions not accompanied by both of the aforementioned items will be discarded, without notice.

All Producers who enter their Film Submissions will be contacted via email of Delivery/Acceptance Confirmation. It is recommended that Producers make sure their package is accompanied by some for of Tracking from the USPS or whomever they send it through. (This does not mean that your film is in the Festival. It means that AFFLV received your submission and required paperwork).

Submit Your Films For AFFLv 2024

To submit your film at Adult Film Festival Las Vegas 2024, you are just a few clicks away!